Power Market Analysis

A leading analysis house delivering energy market insights. Nena Analysis provides price prognoses and fundamental market analysis to major utilities and trading entities.

Throughout the years, Nena Analysis has compiled reliable and consistent analyses with proven track record.

Key benefits

In-house modelling

All price forecasts are solely based on in-house developed models in order to avoid any black boxes. Our approach relies on basic supply and demand modelling as well as advanced optimization tools.

Trading based analysis tools

By combining our trading-based analysis tools with a holistic view on global commodity markets we aim to provide a clearer picture of the global energy complex.

Transfer of knowledge

Throughout the years, the Nena team of energy experts have contributed in day-to-day trading advice, strategy work, speakers in special projects and as consultants to clients at top management and board level.

Featured in
Speak to one of the StormGeo Nena team today and discover how our power market analyses can help you.
Product range

Nordic power markets

We offer a full range of fundamental analysis for the Nordic power market in the short, medium and long term.

European Power Markets

Accurate hourly spot and short-term analysis for the next day, week and three weeks for Germany, France, Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands power markets.

Coal market analysis

We cover the global coal market with special emphasis on China and Europe.

Emissions market analysis

We publish daily and weekly Emissions reports with European Emission Allowances (EUA) price prognosis.

Nordic power market outlook

Spring 2024 edition: Scenario-based analysis with updated price prognosis for all Nordic price areas and neighbouring countries.

Nordic renewables outlook

Spring 2024 edition: Renewable investment potentials and expected renewable development in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark, in addition to the usual analysis of the Electricity Certificates market.

017 Sunset in the Norwegian Sea


At StormGeo, 75% of the work we do is on the ocean. Our passion for weather and a protection of natural resources motivates us to support our clients in making informed, environmentally responsible business decisions.

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