Winter weather appreciation training for airport operations staff

Ensures airport operations staff are ready for winter.

Winter Weather Appreciation Training v2
Key benefits

Winter weather appreciation course

StormGeo provides half-day training workshops to help your operational staff make informed weather-related decisions.

Experienced and authorized trainers

StormGeo has over 10 years’ experience in delivering met-related training courses to various weather-sensitive businesses. These courses are authorized by the Civil Aviation Authority.

Details and specifications 

Half-day Winter Weather Appreciation Training

StormGeo’s training workshop ensures your staff can make informed decisions in advance of and during periods of adverse weather.

Benefits to the airport:

  • Correct staffing levels mobilized at the right time.
  • Reduction in anti/de-icing fluids and salt costs.
  • Reduction in environmental impacts.
  • Minimizing airport closure times while maintaining safety.

Training topics covered:

  • The differences between air temperature and the various surface temperatures.
  • Formation of snow/ice/hoar frost/freezing rain, etc.
  • Thunderstorms, LVP and HOTs Interpreting METAR/TAF and other forecast output.
  • A severe winter weather case study.
  • A certificate of attendance is awarded on successful course completion.

Winter Weather Appreciation Training

StormGeo can deliver this training at your airport or at our dedicated training center in Aberdeen. Contact for more information or to arrange a training workshop.

Classroom training is being provided in accordance with strict COVID-19 guidelines and Government advice, more details and documentation are available and are provided on receipt of a course booking.

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Supporting Solutions

Weather decision support services

Identifies periods of potential service disruption at your airport.

CAP 746 – observer training

Will you be reporting in METAR format at airports? Our CAP 746 Meteorological Observer training may be just what you need.