• Weather Alert: Hurricane Barry
tropical storm barry2

Weather Alert: Hurricane Barry

Tropical Storm Barry

Daily Update from July 10, 2019. Sign up to receive today's update on Tropical Storm Barry.  

Tropical Disturbance 12 has officially been upgraded to Tropical Storm Barry. As the storm continues to intensify over the Gulf of Mexico, we're forecasting landfall in south Louisiana. Although the areas from southeast Texas to the western panhandle of Florida should continue to keep an eye on the storm due to the risk of heavy rains and flooding. Does your company have employees or assets in the area that could be disrupted? If so, we encourage you to sign up to receive StormGeo’s Daily Storm Updates throughout the event.

StormGeo, as the leader in weather intelligence and decision support solutions, delivers real-time and forecast weather alerts and insights, enabling you to stay on top of major weather threats. StormGeo operates 24/7/365 to bring the most up-to-date weather information to our clients, providing actionable insights to drive meaningful business decisions.

If you are a current StormGeo client, and you have not been receiving advisories for the current storm, please contact cst@stormgeo.com.

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