• Hurricane Douglas

Hurricane Douglas

A close call, Hurricane Douglas passed to the north of the Hawaiian Island July 27. The StormGeo TropicsWatch team began issuing advisories for the system on July 20 as the system formed into a tropical depression. At it's max, Douglas was a Category 4 Hurricane with sustained winds of 140 mph. Encountering cooler sea surface temperatues and wind shear, Douglas weakened to a Category 1 Hurricane, before passing just 35 miles to the north of Oahu and 27 miles to the north of Kauai.

During the course of Hurricane Douglas' development, the StormGeo TropicsWatch team closely monitored the storm — developing real-time, daily video updates with forecasts and expected impacts. Learn more about TropicsWatch.

Monday, July 27 | Hurricane Douglas

Improving conditions are expected for Hawaii today as Hurricane Douglas moves away from the islands and weakens to a remnant low by Wednesday. Watch the update video for the current conditions, and an overview of the storm.

Sunday, July 26 | Hurricane Douglas

Douglas will remain a hurricane as it passes just north of the Hawaiian Islands over the next 12 hours before weakening to a tropical storm. Watch the video to learn more about the potential impacts onshore.

Download a sample StormWatch Threat Report showing forecast rainfall, winds and storm surge as the storm makes landfall.

Saturday, July 25 | Hurricane Douglas

Douglas continues decrease in intensity as it nears the Hawaiian Islands. Our forecast has the center of the storm passing to the north of Maui and Oahu as a tropical storm. Watch the advisory video for more details.

This video is the TropicsWatch operational video received by StormGeo clients at 10 AM HST.

Friday, July 24 | Hurricane Douglas

Hurricane Douglas has begun to weaken and is forecast to make landfall on Hawaiian Islands as a strong Tropical Storm. 

Download a sample Trigger Report developed for a client located in Oahu.

Thursday, July 23 | Hurricane Douglas

Douglas Pacific webpage 20200723 v2

Hurricane Douglas continues to strengthen about 1200 miles east-southeast of Hilo, HI. Expecting to peak as category 4, Douglas is expected to weaken to a minimal hurricane by the time it reaches Hawaii on Sunday.

Download today's 10AM HST TropicsWatch Advisory.