Get 30% of StormGeo Energy Market Long-term Reports

Our long-term reports deliver precise price forecasts, enabling strategic decisions and smarter investments. Dive into our comprehensive analysis of the Nordic Power Market and Nordic Renewables, extending to 2050.


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Nordic Power Market Outlook

Spring 2023, 40th edition (2023 - 2050). Scenario-based analysis with updated price prognosis for all Nordic price areas, plus price projections for Germany France, the UK, Netherlands, Poland, Estonia, Russia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

The Nordic Power Market Outlook contains 90+ pages of: 

  • Four scenarios with an updated base case scenario, using market prices for coal, natural gas, and EUAs
  • High and low scenarios 
  • Expectation scenario based on our view of long-term EUA prices
  • And much more
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Nordic Renewables Outlook

Spring 2023, 27th edition (2023 – 2050). Renewable cost development, potential, and expected investments in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Baltics until 2050.

The Nordic Renewables Outlook contains 75 pages of: 

  • Detailed SRMC and LRMC calculation for all technologies likely to play a significant part in the future Nordic electricity system, including sensitivity analysis
  • Wind and solar power capture shares in the Nordic price areas until 2050
  • Annual and monthly elcert balance until 2035
  • And much more
Fill out the form to get a 30% discount on StormGeo Nena's Power Market and Renewables long-term reports (Spring 2023 editions).

Get your 30% discount!

Limited-time offer on StormGeo Nena's long-term reports:

  • Nordic Power Market Outlook (Spring 2023-2050 edition)
  • Nordic Long-term Renewables Outlook (Spring 2023-2050 edition)

Available until August 31st, 2023.

Valuable insights

The long-term reports offer Power Market and Renewables analysis, price forecasts, and various scenarios for the Nordic and neighboring countries. StormGeo Nena provides long-term reports twice a year, in Spring and Fall editions. 

Versatile formats

The long-term reports are available in PDF and paper versions, along with a spreadsheet containing all relevant calculations from the analysis.

Nordic coverage and beyond

Long-term reports cover prices for the Nordic system and the entire Nordic area up to 2050. Plus price projections for Germany, France, the UK, Netherlands, Poland, Estonia, Russia, Latvia, and Lithuania, provided on an annual resolution.

Energy Market Insights

Nena Analysis

Nena Analysis builds fundamental models and methods with strong emphasis on a combination of economic theory, market models, weather impacts and marginal cost calculations.

Our analyses reveal coherence between numerous price drivers, enabling us to explain substitution pricing, and ultimately consequences for future pricing of various commodities.

Explore Nena Analysis
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